
Shared engagement toolkit
This engagement toolkit provides workshop plans, slide decks and suggestions for activities for community engagement around the ideas of climate change risks, resilience and adaptation. These can help you when discussing climate change risks and adaptation with communities, organisations and stakeholders.
Download workshop plans and facilitation guidance
Download the 15 key consequences workshop slide pack
Download the Climate Ready Places workshop slidepack
Download the bitesize session slidepack

Climate Risk & Opportunity Assessment Methodology
To develop strategic and collaborative actions to adapt to climate change, the city region needs a broad consensus about where to place its efforts to ensure timely, proportionate actions to respond to climate change. This risk and opportunity assessment is intended to provide this consensus. The evidence generated by the risk and opportunity assessment will support regional and local decision making and will enable partners to identify priorities for further action at the city region level.
Download and read the report here
Shared Briefing Pack: Links and resources
This document sets out links to useful external and project
resources which can help you when discussing climate
change risks and adaptation with communities, organisations and stakeholders.
Download and read the briefing pack here

Slidepack – CRSES inception events (29 April and 9 May 2024)
View the slides presented at the launch events for Climate Ready South East Scotland.
Download the slides here

Video – First Online Briefing (9 May 2024)
Watch the recording of this webinar, including presentations from the project team, Met Office and City Region Deal PMO