Climate Ready South East Scotland
Our climate story map is now live

Our climate story map is now live

Share your climate stories from across Edinburgh and South East Scotland. Visit the story map Our climate risk and opportunity assessment will bring together the latest scientific evidence, data and plans from across the region. But just as important are the stories,...
Call for formal evidence for CRSES now open

Call for formal evidence for CRSES now open

*Please note: the formal call for evidence has now closed. More information can be found here.* To develop strategic and collaborative actions to adapt to climate change, the city region needs a broad consensus about where to place its efforts to ensure timely,...
Join the CRSES project advisory group

Join the CRSES project advisory group

Climate Ready South East Scotland is the first regional climate risk and opportunity assessment for the Edinburgh and South East Scotland city deal region. While the project was conceived as a collaboration between the region’s six local authorities and sustainability...